Baozhu Cai

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Research Experience

  • State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering of School of Life Science of Fudan University (2016 – 2019)

    Position: Research assistant Shanghai, China

    Team Leader: Feng Zhang

    Research theme: Genetic analysis of reproductive system disease, birth defect and cancer in bioinformatics methods


    1. Built a Whole Exome Sequence data analysis platform on Parallel Virtual Machine

    2. Programmed a script for analysis trio’s WES data

    3. Premature Ovarian Failure (POF)

      a. Asked the patient's history and record with Dr. Zhang Xiaojin

      b. Used Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH) and Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) to find disease causes. (Wet and dry experiments

      c. Programmed an enrichment script for the disease-causing variants

    4. Tumor

      a. Used aCGH to compare with tumor tissue and peri-cancer tissue to find the pathogenic mutation near the gene SLC18A1. (Wet and dry experiment)

      b. Built an RNA-Seq data analysis platform on Parallel Virtual Machine and annotated it.

      c. Programmed an enrichment script for Annotated RNA-Seq data for the trophoblastic tumors’ disease-causing variants.

    5. Syndrome

      a. Analyzed WES data of a trio and an identical twins’ family to find the Crouzon syndrome’s disease-causing variants. And found a novel mutation in FGFR2 is the disease-causing mutation. (To be submitted)

      b. Re-annotated the WES data with different databases and found the Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome’s (SGS) pathogenic mutations.

  • Hainan University (2010 – 2014)

    Position: Undergraduate Researcher Hainan, China

    • Team Leader: Prof. Zhiqiong Tan

      Research theme: Determined the anti-microbial activity of Bacillus subtilis B25.

    • Team Leader: Prof. Xudong Yu

      Research theme: Found the medicinal and health value of Muntingia calabura L.


  1. Xi Yang, Xiaojin Zhang, Jiao Jiao, Feng Zhang, Yuncheng Pan, Qiqi Wang, Qing Chen, Baozhu Cai, Shuyan Tang, Zixue Zhou, Siyuan Chen, Hao Yin, Wei Fu, Yang Luo, Da Li, Guoqing Li, Lingyue Shang, Jialing Yang, Li Jin, Qinghua Shi, Yanhua Wu. "Rare variants in FANCA induce premature ovarian insufficiency." Human genetics (2019): 1-10.

  2. Zhang, Ling, Ximing Xu, Kaiqiang Sun, Jingchuan Sun, Yuan Wang, Yang Liu, Nan Yang, Chengqiu Tao, Baozhu Cai, Guodong Shi, Feng Zhang, Jiangang Shi." A de ovo mutation in DHD domain of SKI causing spina bifida with no craniofacial malformation or intellectual disability." American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 179.6 (2019): 936-939.

  3. Qiqi Wang, Da Li, Baozhu Cai, Qing Chen, Caihua Li, Yanhua Wu, Li Jin, Xiuxia Wang, Xiaojin Zhang, Feng Zhang. "Whole exome sequencing reveals SALL4 mutations in premature ovarian insufficiency: an update on genotype-phenotype correlations." Human genetics 138.1 (2019): 83-92.

  4. Qing Chen, Qi-Qi Wang, Bao-Zhu Cai, Xiao-Jun Ren, Feng Zhang, Xiao-Jin Zhang. "Analysis of the fragile X mental retardation 1 premutation in Han Chinese women presenting with primary ovarian insufficiency." Reproductive and Developmental Medicine 1.1 (2017): 9.

  5. Xu, Jing, Ling Zhang, Qiyu Liu, Luyao Ren, Ke Li, Baozhu Cai, Yunke Huang et al. "Identification of cell cycle dependent methotrexate resistance in placenta site trophoblastic tumors." (2020).

  6. Wang, Lingbo, et al. "Joint utilization of genetic analysis and semi-cloning technology reveals a digenic etiology of Müllerian anomalies." Cell Research (2019): 1-4.


Hainan University (2010 – 2014) Hainan, China

  • B.S. in Agriculture with three-year Agriculture Scholarships (2010 - 2013)

  • Average score: 85.5/100 (the last two years)

Independent Coursework


C; Python; R; Python; Perl

Leadership Experience and Honors

  • The student union of Hainan University, 05/2011 - 06/2012 Hainan, China

- Vice President

  • The Agriculture Scholarship, 2010 – 2011 Hainan University

  • The Agriculture Scholarship, 2011 – 2012 Hainan University

  • The Agriculture Scholarship, 2012 – 2013 Hainan University

  • "Challenge Cup" National College Student Curricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition candidate, 2013 Hainan University